I am Nadia: Soulful Leadership Coach & spiritual being by essence.
“TIME-OUT! Turn right – now!” … that is what happened to me in the midst of life’s superhighway. At the top of the game: prospering career, ultimate financial security, reliable social network, good health, travelling, all went swimmingly perfect; I had thought. Then, no warning at all, from close to scratch: Burn-out. The soul had went on general strike. Back then for me it was trepidation to the abyssal marrow. Today, years later, I can just grin at it in gratitude.
It was the start of an exceptionally pulsating journey to my inner being’s sensitive kernel and in fact a re-learning of its gentle handling. At the same time it made me become aware that I AM outside-the-box, feel and perceive differently, that an outside-the-box-ness exists and doubtlessly is rather gift than burden. The only logic consequence in this process was to realize a consistent focus change:
Fuse here on Bulb Your Mind my ragtag quota of life along with work experience, spiced by very personal passion, to become a mentoring concept and free thought safe space for others.
This space culminates two things that are nearest to my heart:
One to express my love for language and spirited philosophy by writing this blog. The other to professionally support other highly sensitive persons (→ HSP), apt in percipience, to walk their highly individual way of growth in a self-aware lion-hearted fashion of their own pace. → Your HSP Coaching.
Crossing any-size rubicon is a question of clear perspective: → Let’s bulb it!